Page 49 - Tezkargift Catalogue
P. 49



                                        Made                     An Italian Heart

                                        in Italy                 Precision design, meticulous engineering, constant research and
                                                                 testing, selection of the best materials. In short: a love for beautiful
                                        —                        objects and care for the environment. This is what an Italian-made
                                                                 product means for Maxema.
                                        in Italia
                                                                 More than just a pen
                                                                 Those who know us are well aware that our pens are much more
                                        Fabriqué                 than just plastic. We have been working in Italy for two generations
                                                                 alongside people we trust and with whom we love to design top
                                        en Italie                quality writing implements. Each Maxema pen is created from the
                                                                 desire to take care of the environment and our customers, with safe,
                                        —                        reliable and durable materials. Our mission? To support your projects
                                                                 and help you, wherever you may be in the world, to tell your story and
                                        Fabricado                leave a lasting message.
                                        en Italia
                                                                 Imprint your brand

                                                                 Once assembled, the pen is ready to be “dressed” with a brand or
                                                                 message, choosing the most suitable combinations between finishes,
                                                                 colors and printing techniques. At the end of the process, the pen is
                                                                 finally ready to bring its precious message: your image.
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